Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April is Here!

It's finally spring! Perhaps for those of you living farther south spring actually begins in March, but here in Wisconsin (this year especially) it only symbols the gradual thaw. I abhor March, there's just not much that I can say about it, it is perhaps better than November since you know the weather will be improving, not deteriorating, but that's about it. I'm really not coming up with much else. It's muddy, rainy/sleet/snowy, and always gray, gray, gray! (I've always debated whether having a baby during the aforementioned "ugly" months would improve them, or just depress me that I was bringing a child into such a dreary world.)
Anyway, enough about March, since that's not really the point. April is here in all its glory. Sunny days, warm temperatures (hey, it's only 50's, but here that's warm) and finally the chance to be out and about without all the bulk and mess of winter.
We spent most of the morning outside and Joshua kept saying "Play more outside, so nice!" He also gathered brand new green leaves (from a ground weed, alas we don't yet have any leaves on the trees) and wanted to save them to show James when he comes home. ("Daddy will like new green leaves, Daddy likes.) We took a walk too, for no purpose except to enjoy the weather. Yes, while I debate between fall and spring, I definitely think spring is my favorite season! :-)
Have a great day!

1 comment:

KRunyon said...

Liz... Yes I did know there was a yarn shop in Verona! I believe it's called the Sow's Ear? When David first applied, I got online and tracked down all the nearest shops. It looks like a great place! When we come into town, if it works out, I'd love to check it out. I'll take one bambino you take the other. Remember it's only yarn... not china. :-)